Monday 23 May 2016

The First Step

Hi there!  My name is Dave Saunders and I am the proud owner of Coaching Ottawa, a business devoted to helping people reach new levels of achievement.  Thank you for your support as I start this blog which is intended to log my journey of continuous self improvement, which I hope will also help you in your journey through life.

You may be asking why the owner of a coaching company would create a blog on their journey of self improvement.  After all, if you are a business owner, a coach and a trainer of topics like Leadership, shouldn't the journey be over?  Fair question.  However, I still have a lot of things to improve, and I am sure if you think about it, so do you.

We all need to improve! We may master one thing, or many things, but nobody has mastered everything (I sure haven't mastered blogging yet, lol).  Further, if you don't continue to challenge yourself, you will not merely stagnate, but you will in fact lose ground.  Whether it is in athletics, academics, business or any other field, we only continue to be the master if we continue to grow.

Okay, getting preachy, sorry!  However, I believe that success is not getting to a destination, but is achieved in making the most of every moment.  What is your definition of success?

Through regular posts I will share my journey from where I am today to where I want to be in the future.  I hope you will take this journey with me and post your achievements and failures (yes we will both have failures).  I look forward to hearing from you as we move forward!


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